LearnWorlds assessment & form builders
Hassle-free online exams
Build personalized exams and self-assessments using the most advanced assessment builder on the market. Make the shift from evaluation to personalization.
Revolutionizing assessments design with AI
Create assessments that align seamlessly with your desired learning outcomes without the hassle. Our AI prompt engineering generates challenging and comprehensive assessments featuring diverse question types like multiple-choice, short-answer, matching, and more.
Simple, but powerful
Rich and flexible exams
Set up your exams exactly the way you imagined. Add different types of questions, organize them in sections and present them in one page or one at a time; enable search and bookmarking for learners, and a lot more!
Feedback makes a difference
An easy, fast, and seamless way for providing feedback for both exams and self-assessments. Add automatic feedback for closed-type questions and review/comment on any open type question. Put assessment feedback to good use.
Grade learners with ease with an advanced gradebook
Turn grading into a walk in the park and spend much less time managing technology. See all grades in each course and update them with a click.
Everything you need to create powerful assessments
Robust and secure testing engine
"Amazing Tool - Far Surpasses Thinkific, Kajabi, Teachable“
G2 Crowd
A world full of market-leading features
Experience the power of LearnWorlds' full suite of features. The most advanced on the market to build, market and analyze your school, while keeping your students on point with live, flexible and interactive courses.
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